motusmade studios

I help
align with their mission
through intentional design.

Are you a movement educator?

Every week I share tips, strategies, and resources to help you grow and build a prosperous coaching career that’s true to you.

Movement is too important to be left to the fitness industry. 

The landscape is changing. More and more coaches want to share their holistic movement approach in a way that’s authentic to them. They want to free themselves from the “rules of engagement” the fitness industry has established over the past 50 years. The internet has created opportunities that no longer bind us to mainstream methods or geographic location. No more pandering to “clients” you don’t align with.

Ways I Can Help

  • Website Design

    Relying solely on social media to share your knowledge is a short-term game because you’re at the helm of algorithms. A website allows you to own your little corner on the internet and formally let the world know what you have to offer.

  • Visual Design

    You’ve got lots of ideas -Whether for social content, a seminar you’re presenting, or a course you are creating - Let me help you distill them into easily digested visuals that gain traction.

  • Career Design

    As trainers, teachers, or coaches, we can all add value in a unique and authentic way. We get clear about who you’re serving, what specific value you add, and why you’re doing this work. Make an impact and prosper in your career.

Featured Work

Who I’ve worked with.